Ford Police Interceptor Utility Utility Water Pump Replaced

Update: They really screwed up the the mileage after that change. It dropped from 13 mpg to 9.1. No idea why. Replaced the sparkplugs and got 1 mpg back but still down 3 and it should be more like 15 mpg minimum (still horrible).

Original: I had both the water pump and the timing chain replaced. 87,387 miles. It was $2,000 at a local shop, and they wanted $3,400 at the ford dealer. In old dollars, it used to be $1200/2000 prior to inflation.

You can watch the videos below to see why you have to or need to replace it. There’s also forum threads where people report when theirs went bad which is for some under 100,000 miles while others are past 100,000 with no problems. It’s horrible design.

The shop had it done in under 24 hours. I was shocked how fast they were able to do it. They said “been there done that.”